Two men chat at a cafe
A group of people in a crosswalk

We're an alliance of mission organizations.

God's brand is more important to build than our own. The task at hand is too big — and matters too much — to do it alone.

Our reach is global. Collectively through our communities and networks, God’s sustained almost half a millenium of gospel ministry around the world. Click below to learn more about each of us, where we work and why we’ve banded together.


Values of trust, agility, collaboration, urgency, and "seek first the Kingdom" shape the culture that uniquely characterizes and foments our ethos. Within the Alliance, we're committed to transparency and clarity, removing barriers that lead to inertia, pursuing the best of whole, making choices in light of the human condition, and seeking a God-sized vision that overwhelms our singular, agency specific ambitions.

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These core, co-laboring strategies allow us to innovate, enhance and eliminate. We’re blending leadership, strategies and teams that accelerate and increase ministry effectiveness. We’re reaching goals faster through the pooling of resources. And, we’re sharing services and assets, whether it’s a software solution or conference facility, to increase capacity and reduce costs.

CONNECT with us below — we’d love to tell you more about our strategies for working alongside each other: for God’s Glory and the Good of the World.